
Log the Involved Organization’s Response to the Incident

1.       Open the Click to Add Response Details link.
2.       Select the record of the person in the organization who responded to the incident from the Responding Person pick list. If a Person record does not already exist for the individual, use the Quick Add function to create one.
3.       Select the record of the person who called the organization from Notified By Person.
4.       Enter the date and time the organization was contacted in the Called Date/Time field.
5.       Enter the date and time the organization arrived on site in the Arrived Date/Time field.
6.       When the organization’s response is complete and they have vacated the site, enter the completion date and time in the Cleared Date/Time field.
7.       Click the Calculate Time link to determine how long it took the organization to respond (Response Time) and how long they remained on site (Time On Site).
8.       Add any useful Response Notes.
9.       Click OK.
10.     As you click OK, the newly created entity will be displayed in the Involved Organizations list, each entity occupying a single row in the list. To display the entity’s general information in the bottom Viewing pane, select the corresponding row in the list.