
Group Query Results by a Field

·     To group the results by a field, drag the column heading to the gray box above the grid and drop it. All query results will automatically collapse, grouped by the column heading you just selected. Grouped By query results may contain child records. To view child records, click Expand All to view all records contained under nodes. Once clicked, the name of this button will change to Collapse All. Click this to hide all child records again.
·             To add another tier to the grouping, first expand one of the nodes to view its data in grid format. Then, click and drag a different column heading to the gray box. The query results will once again collapse, grouped first by your initial selection, and then by your second selection. You may continue to add tiers to your grouping using the same method.
·             To reorder the tiers in your grouping, click and drag the column headings in the gray bar.
·             To remove a field from your grouping, drag the column heading in the top gray bar and place it anywhere in the query results screen.