
Additional Send Message options

The Send Message editor provides very basic options for editing a short email message that are all collected under one Mail tab. Typically, this message serves the purpose of providing some description to an automatically generated attachment that is sent out with the email (e.g., a record view or an assignment). In this case, the descriptive text will be provided by the system. If you want, you may, however, edit the default text for it to correspond to the document requirements set at your organization.
To add an attachment to your email or view it, click Attachments. A window will appear where you can add or remove existing attachments. Click Proceed to return to the main message screen. To set a priority for the message you are sending, click Priority and select from the High, Normal (default), and Low priority option. When finished with editing of your email message, click Send.
If you want to format the message details in plain text rather than the default HTML table, unclick the Format button. By default, the formatting option is active.